Friday, March 28, 2008

A Wocket Where?

Tai King likes to rhyme. I'm typing what he is saying as he plays with his trucks.

"There's a wocket in my pocket. A wocket in my popeck? A po po in my bo bo bo. There's a skunk in my gunk and a stink in my sink. A loey in my zoey and a zoey in my closet. There's a Pizza Nova there too. There is a gloopy in zooby doopy too. There is a ear in my tear and a tear in my eye coming. There is a wocket in my pocket and here, it is for you mommy. HO HO HO. A doo doo tooby. A goopy in your poopy, a gobbit your gobbit in your gobbit in your gobbit. In your poopy. Hey Blues Clues. Is there corn in your belly? In your poopy? The wocket is in the zoey. In your zoey. The zoey is in the tooty, tooty, tooty. In the Pizza Nova. There is a zoey in the poo-loo. In the poopy loo. "

1 comment:

Run ANC said...

That is quite the monologue. If the Boy and Tai King get together - who will out-talk whom?